✨ Child Education: Service Design 1
From Simple System and Service Design Studio, Srishti, 2017
Reflection- Child Education
What did you observe about system design?
• I think it can be safely said that Magic bus is really trying to take initiative towards bringing focus to this very less addressed problem of poverty.
• Since there is a level of ignorance in people when it comes to heeding to such an issue, the attempt here is to back their speculations up by using data and figures.
• “About 70% of India lives under poverty line”; “India’s population is expected to reach 1.4 billion in the next 10 years”
• The discussion of the correlation between education and increase in crime rates was a provoking example, personally helping me realise the extents and implications of poverty.
• They trained 8000 community leaders who deliver their knowledge to 300,000 children every week.
• They also try to combat diseases with health and hygiene camps.
What causes this system design to grow and survive? • I think that their specified target into four directions helps break down a problem into smaller tasks and helps make the solution to this problem an achievable one.
• Empowerment in education, health and gender; a fair political system; job accessibility in the financial markets and protection from violence are the 4 focal areas that are spoken of targeting.
• Additionally, they partner with non-profits to provide infrastructure and laws in place. This is a smart way of approach since the expectation in terms of returns here would be negligible, where efforts are taken under good faith and for a good cause.
• Their sole focus on understanding how young people can engage in opportunities they’re trying to provide and expectations they slowly set for themselves, all by targeting behavior and not just physical bounds (infrastructure, laws) makes it a strong, sustainable base for further growth.
• The usage of trained community leaders to lead by example actually would help blur the line for what is achievable and how easily. This hierarchical passing of knowledge also helps establish relationships among people, coming from similar backgrounds neglecting the problem of breaking the ice.
What emotions did you feel?
• I think one major trigger point in this entire talk was the need to address how people see the nation.
• The fundamental impacts and effects on people under the poverty line, the drastic problems that come with letting this system go on the same way- social unrest, angry, frustrated people; deprived of the basic Indian dream despite coming from the same social entitlement as any Indian citizen.
• Once that is established, I think that acts as a start point for people to understand, empathize and address the issue.
What personal decisions are influenced or changed for you as an artist or designer?
• A solution needn’t be expensive for it to work. Magic Bus claimed that with just 1200 Rupees a year they impact at a very affordable price.
• It’s their way of working and putting the 8000 people ready to teach further that brings returns in their one time investment.
• Examples such as “1 year in school is 20% hike in salary” are ones that speak for the cause being addressed. They really probe questions and I should learn to use them to my advantage when conducting my own studies.
What would be an ideal situation here? • Ideally, people should be able to pull themselves above poverty line not just because of the laws and infrastructure provided to them but the inner understanding of how much every opportunity can bring them returns, their behavior towards every chance matters.
• Employment opportunities available for all would be ideal.
• Children from all over the country, rich or poor should pursue higher education because later, despite their economic backgrounds it would really help them make a sustainable livelihood.