✨ Lifeline Express (Case Study): Service Design 1
From Simple System and Service Design Studio, Srishti, 2017
Reflection- Lifeline Express (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pba6wLIoXOs )
What did you observe about system design?
• The Lifeline Express, designed with the comfort of air-conditioning is a system built with the idea of making it a service accessible to all parts of the country. Being such a large scale project, I admire how they provide free stay, medicines and food for their patients.
• The efficiency of this system is seen by the volunteer-ship. Self-regulation happens here since people who are willing to take this up seriously would be the ones participating to do good.
• They made use of the existing railway system by modified train coaches to surgical operation theatres, recovery rooms, pantry, storages and accommodation for medical staff.
• This enables them to provide on-the-spot diagnostic, medical and advanced surgical treatment for preventive and curative interventions for disabled adults and children.
What causes this system design to grow and survive? • 2.1% of the entire Indian Population (which is about 2,10,00,000 people) suffers from various disabilities. Majority of these people fall in rural areas wherein there is less access to proper healthcare facilities, and in turn less awareness amongst the people.
• Rural areas in states such as UP, Bihar, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra- which are also amongst the most populated ones have the most number of affected people.
• The ease of catering to these huge populations and ensuring they get the right kind of treatment from the right kinds of people becomes a task, since this section of the population also can’t spend so much on healthcare.
• I personally think that providing these facilities on wheels ensures the right people providing the best they can to their maximum extent without having to commute with difficulty.
• The growth of this system is bound to happen, unless the gap between the urban and rural culture is minimized. This would be a really long time from now.
What emotions did you feel?
• I felt that in order to improve the efficiency of the existing local health infrastructure and services, this initiative does a great job in ensuring that the systems are kept in check and the people are not being mistreated.
• This same system also is capable of providing initiative and encouragement for the local bodies to get involved.
• By catering to otherwise neglected rural and semi-urban areas this system is making the world a smaller, more accessible place.
What personal decisions are influenced or changed for you as an artist or designer?
• I think one major thing to keep in mind from this system is the fact that an initiative with a main goal of providing basic healthcare can be capable of catering to much more- Counselling, diet planning, awareness, and basic check-ups.
• Not just that, areas hit by natural disasters can also be provided immediate attention. The local health authorities can be kept in check.
• Another takeaway would be that collaborations can be wonderful. Impact India and Mahindra along with the Indian Railways provide the right resources and system towards one common social goal.
What would be an ideal situation here?
•The timeframe for the train in every area is between 21-25 days. Ideally, if there were more trains or coaches, it would benefit our population a lot faster.
• The districts shouldn’t be relying on this system solely. They could be made self-sufficient by providing follow-up services after the train has left.
• The establishment of such a system shouldn’t mean that treatment is the sole goal. People should be made to learn basic health and hygiene so that a lot of such cases can be prevented in the future.